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Beyond Page 9
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Page 9
His voice is sympathetic, and when my first tear drops, he sits next to me and holds me in his arms.
“I know you wanted us here because you don’t trust us,” Fred says. “But we will prove ourselves to you.”
I really hope they did.
“You’ve been nothing but great so far,” I tell him, because it was true. The dungeon men blended in with the others. They kept guard, didn’t start any fights, and seemed honest. Only time would tell if that’s the people they truly were though.
“We love living in the castle. It’s nothing like out here. It’s a whole new world,” he admits, smiling and showing off his yellow teeth.
“Drink some water Olivia,” Gina demands, handing me an animal hide water bottle. I take a few sips and then hand it back to her.
We’ve been walking for hours.
Apart from seeing bodies of zombies on the floor, there were no other signs of life. Was it Dane that killed them? It was almost like there was a trail of them for us to follow.
Then I see it.
I nudge Sam and point to it. He motions for us to duck down, so we do, behind the trees.
“Looks like a camp,” Jase whispers. “I don’t know how many.”
“Plan of action?” I ask, pulling an arrow out and holding it in my other hand just in case. “Why don’t two of us head closer and check it out?”
“Let me guess, you’re volunteering,” Gina whisper-hisses at me. “Seriously you have more balls than most men I know.”
Sam flashes her a dirty look.
“Shut up,” Jase snaps at her, then turns to me. “You’re staying your ass here. Sam and I will go.”
“He’s kind of hot when he goes all alpha male,” Gina turns and says to me with wide eyes.
“Hot,” she mouths again.
I lift my head and pray for patience.
“Protect them,” Sam tells Wyatt, one of the men. Wyatt was a bulky guy, who kind of reminded me of a large bear. Scruffy beard, long messy brown hair and the muscles of a body builder, he also had kind brown eyes that said he wasn’t as mean as he looked. Oh, and he was quiet. He never spoke unless spoken to. Wyatt nods then glances in my direction. Not knowing what else to do, I wiggle my fingers at him. He blushes.
I look to Gina who is staring at Sam. “Be safe.”
“Hey that’s my line,” I murmur, looking at my best friend. “Be safe Sam.”
He shakes his head in exasperation, and then he and Jase are off.
“This team needs a name. A code name.”
Gina looks at me like I’m crazy. “There is something seriously wrong with you.”
I wish Dane was here. He would have thought of an awesome code name.
Fuck, I missed the man. He better be safe, or I’m going to be pissed.
He said he’d always come back.
“How long until the sun goes down?” I ask no one in particular.
“Couple of hours,” Wyatt replies quietly.
As soon as the sun went down we would need to find somewhere safe to sleep. We’d have to take turns taking guard. Hearing a noise coming from behind us, I grab my bow and arrow, positioning the arrow and pointing it in that direction. Something steps out from behind one of the bushes. It…hell, I had no clue what it was.
But it was fucking scary.
“What the fuck is that?” I ask, my heart about to jump out of my chest. It wasn’t anything I’d ever seen before in my life.
It was a monster.
That was the only way I can describe it.
With elongated fangs and black fur, it was standing on two legs… paws. I don’t fucking know. It was like a cross between a bear and a t-rex. Yellow eyes stare down at me, drool dripping from its sharp teeth.
“Olivia?” Gina whispers, her voice shaking. “What is that?”
Wyatt and the men surround Gina and I, as we slowly move backwards as a group.
“You two run. We will kill it,” Wyatt says, holding out his spear in front of him. “On the count of three. One, two, three…”
I grab Gina’s arm and run. Not because I was scared, but because I couldn’t leave Gina alone. Also, I had an idea. I hear the men fighting behind us as we make our escape. I stop when we come to a tall tree and look at Gina who is panting from running. “Can you climb?”
“No,” she replies, leaning down, hands on her knees.
“Yes, you can Gina,” I snap. “I want to climb up there and see if I can take a shot with my bow. Can you try to climb up? Or will you wait down here?”
“I’ll w-wait,” she whispers, sitting down and clutching her knees to her chest. She looked dazed, maybe she was about to have a panic attack, but I’d have to deal with her in a second. Putting my back pack down next to Gina, I climb the tree with my bow and arrow. When I find a steady spot, I stop and look. I see the men trying to kill the beast, but it was strong. When I see it strike one of the men down, I know they need my help. Aiming my arrow, I try and get a clear shot. I couldn’t risk hitting one of the men. So I wait.
When the beast retreats a little, it’s my moment. I take my shot. Holding my breath, I watch as my arrow flies… and hits it.
Right in its chest.
Its heart.
It goes down.
Shaking, I climb down the tree and pull Gina into my arms.
What had become of this world?
Chapter Fifteen
“You killed it from that distance?” Sam asks, eyes wide. “I knew you were good… but shit Olivia. I don’t know many that could have made that shot.”
“What was it Sam?” I ask for the second time. I’d asked him as soon as I saw him but he’d had his own set of questions. Which I’d answered. Now it was my turn.
Sam visibly cringes. “We don’t know what it is. But we do know it’s the reason for the decline in zombies. The zombies are fading out, and the beasts are taking over.”
“Great so the bear-rexes are soon going to be knocking on our castle gates?”
Were they eating the zombies? If so, that was fucking disgusting.
“Bear-rex?” Sam asks, eyebrows hitting his hairline. “I guess it kind of does look like a mix between a bear and a dinosaur. Except the size, of course. It’s more bear size than dinosaur but--”
“Sam. Concentrate,” I snap. “What did you find about the camp?”
“Ten men. No women. Which is why we don’t want them to see you or Gina. Who knows when the last time they saw a woman was. Men turn into animals when they haven’t had sex in so long.”
I make a face. “What are we going to do then? We need information. And I’m not sleeping with them to get it.”
Sam gives me a look. “This is no time to joke. Jase and I could go over there and try get some information, but it’s a gamble. They would outnumber us and the rest of you would have to sleep somewhere else. If more beasts appear, I don’t want to take that chance with you Olivia. Do you see why it would have been easier without you here?”
Okay, that stung.
“I did kill the bear-rex,” I mutter, looking away from him.
He cups my cheeks and turns my face back in his direction. “I’m sorry Olivia. I’m just worried. It’s a lot of pressure on me because I need to keep you safe. And not just for Dane, for the people in the castle.”
“I love you too Sam,” I tell him softly, kissing him on his cheek. The stubble there pricks my lips a little, but I don’t mind. “I’m going to be fine. Don’t worry about me. We have each other’s backs, always.”
He nods once, puffing out a breath. “Okay.”
“I say we all go to their camp,” Jase says. “We can take them if they try anything. Have Olivia play vulnerable. If they get too close, she can probably beat their asses anyway. I’ve seen her in hand-to-hand combat.”
I don’t know what it said about me that I felt excitement at the idea of a good fight, but I did.
“Fuck,” Sam curses. “Fine.
Let’s do this. We’re wasting light.”
And so we walk on to what could possibly be an enemy camp.
The men’s eyes didn’t leave me or Gina. I could feel them, roaming over me, touching every inch. I wanted to cringe, but I held myself, composed. My back straight.
Show no weakness.
“We saw some men pass through here,” the leader says. He was a strong looking man, with red hair and light green eyes. “Dane and his men.”
“You know Dane?” I ask, speaking up for the first time.
The man laughs. “Everyone knows Dane. I know exactly where he was headed. I never saw him return this way. Perhaps the man does have a weakness after all and got caught? Rumour has it he’s invincible, but maybe that’s not true.”
My hands clench to fists.
“I can tell you exactly where he went. For a price, of course,” he continues, oblivious to the plans running through my head of me shooting him in the face with my arrow.
“What is it you want?” Sam asks.
His eyes go straight to me. “You know what I want. She’s very beautiful. They both are, but I find my eyes on this one.”
Fuck my life.
“No chance in hell,” Sam replies casually. “The women are ours, and we don’t share.”
“Then no deal,” the man says, crossing his arms over his chest. “You can look for Dane. You probably won’t find him though.”
What an asshole.
“How do we know that you hold the right information?” I ask him. “And how do we know that you’ll tell us it.”
Gina grabs my arm. “I’ll do it Olivia. You know I’m used to it,” she says so only I can hear.
I shake off her hold and whisper back. “No you won’t. And either will I.”
She looks at me, confused, but I didn’t have the time to explain.
I speak directly to the man who thought he was about to have me in his bed. “Tell Sam the details. I’ll wait for you in your...” I look around. “Tent. Information to Sam first or it’s a no go. I don’t trust you. Any of you.”
He licks his lips and nods, then points behind me. “My tent is there.”
I look to Sam, who looks like he’s going to be sick. “Olivia.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m taking one for the team,” I reply, trying to make a joke. I then have a silent conversation with him, telling him there was no way in hell I was actually going to sleep with this man. Okay, I was playing dirty, but these were desperate times, and not like these were great men. They were using sex as a negotiating tool. When Sam gets my plan, he nods and walks over to the man. The two talk quietly. He better have told Sam the right information, information that will help us find Dane. When they are finished, the man looks to me expectantly.
Gathering all the courage I possess, I walk to the tent he pointed out. I left my bag and bow and arrow on the floor next to Gina, but I still had my knife. It was going to have to do.
“Olivia, is it?” the man asks. “My name is Aaron. It’s been a while since I had a woman, so you’re going to have to forgive the roughness.”
I turn to see him pulling his pants down. Staring at his erect penis in horror, I still take the time to notice he is much smaller than Dane is. Clearing my throat, I point to his makeshift bed, which is really just a blanket on some hay, and say, “Give me a second, please.”
Okay, think Olivia. How was I going to do this?
Pulling off my t-shirt I throw it on the floor and step towards him in my bra and pants.
“Pants off,” he demands, staring at my chest. Unable to see any other way, I slide down my pants but leave them at my knees, so my knife was still concealed. Then I sit next to him, and unclasp my bra. He stares greedily, then reaches his hand out to touch. I cringe, but allow him to fondle my breast while I slide my knife out. With one hand I cradle his head to my chest, and with the other, I bring up my knife. Not wanting to kill him, I turn the knife around, so the hilt was on top, and then I strike. With all the power I can muster, I use a trick Dane had once shown me. I hit the side of his head with the knife. When he falls face first onto the bed, I strike again, hitting the back of his head.
I then hit him again just to be sure.
He was out cold, but for how long, I didn’t know. Staying undressed just in case one of his men walked in, I start to make pretend sex moaning noises. Face red, I call out “Oh yes!” And “oh god!” And make other noises that I’m never going to be ever able to face Sam and the others after them hearing it. When half an hour passes, I dress and exit the tent. Aaron’s men cheer, like the idiots they are.
“He might need a little rest,” I announce, inciting more cheers.
I walk straight to Sam. “We need to go. Now.”
We make a quick exit.
Sam had the information.
We needed to find Dane, before Aaron found me.
Chapter Sixteen
We find a place to sleep in a hidden cave.
Sam and Wyatt take first watch, even though I offered to. Gina and I sleep next to Jase, who still doesn’t trust Fred and the rest of the new men. I sleep for a few hours and then tell Sam to get some rest. He heads inside the cave which leaves Wyatt and I standing guard.
“Do you want me to wake Jase so you can sleep?” I ask him when he doesn’t say anything.
“No,” he shrugs, “I don’t need much sleep.”
“Still,” I murmur. “Go lie down a bit.”
Jase walks out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Go sleep Wyatt.”
Wyatt heads inside the cave. Jase drinks some water and then glances at me. “Aaron is going to be pissed.”
“I know.”
His mouth twitches. “I’m glad you came along Olivia. I don’t think I’ve ever tried so hard not to laugh when I heard your sex noises.”
I feel myself blush. “Don’t ever bring that up again.”
“Oh come on. It’s been the highlight of this mission.”
I absently rub my wrist over my breast where Aaron touched me. I didn’t like that another man had seen me like that. It goes to show just how far I’m willing to go to find Dane.
“He’s a lucky man, you know?” he says. “Dane.”
I smile. “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me Jase.”
He chuckles. “Don’t get used to it. Now stay here while I take a piss.”
We wake everyone up as soon as the sun rises. Gina and I wash ourselves in a passing stream, and go to the bathroom behind some bushes. When everyone is ready to go, we walk. With Sam leading us, we walk all day, until the sun disappears and darkness is upon us once more. Then, we sleep. This time, under some low trees. I stand first guard this time, with Sam.
“You need to hide all that hair of yours,” he says. I can’t make out his face in the dark, but his arm is resting against mine. “Look more like a boy in case we run into any more men.”
I touch my hair. “What can I do with it? I don’t have a hat or anything, and it’s already tied in a bun. It’s not like I’m letting it down.”
“I don’t know make it less… soft and pretty looking,” he says, sounding put out over it.
I giggle. “Okay I’ll try.”
“Shhhh,” he says suddenly, gripping my arm.
“What?” I whisper, grabbing my knife.
He shushes me again, which makes me want to punch him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, catching the two of us off guard, two men appear and push us into the ground, my hands held behind my back and my knife plucked out of my hand. I hear Sam putting up a fight, the two men wrestling each other on the ground until I hear a familiar incredulous voice, “Sam?”
Was that…?
“Dane?” I ask, my voice shaking. “Is that you?”
There’s a moments silence before the man holding me down is pushed away, and I’m rolled over onto my back. Cold hands touch my cheeks gently. “Olivia?”
“Oh my god! It is you,” I sob, wrapping my a
rms around his neck and hugging him.
He peppers kisses all over my forehead. “Fuck Olivia, what are you doing here baby? It’s not safe out here for you. Are you crazy?” He lifts his head and shouts. “Sam, you’re a fucking dead man for bringing my woman out here!”
“You try and stop her,” Sam replies in a dry tone.
“You didn’t come back,” I say into his chest. “You said you’d always come back.”
“I was on my way home now,” he says, rubbing my back. “Something happened that took us a little longer than planned. I was coming home Olivia. Nothing could keep me away from you. I missed you so much,” he says into my hair.
Lifting my head, our mouths find each other. Our kiss is almost frantic. I can’t believe that he’s here, that he found us. Most of all, I’m happy that he’s okay.
He’s alive.
He was coming back to me.
Pulling away, I kiss his jawline and then begin with the questions. “Where are the other men? Lars?”
“They’re close by. We split up to look for somewhere safe to sleep. I’ll go and bring them back to the cave.”
“I’m coming with you,” I say, not ready to leave him just yet. “What made you stay so long Dane? Is everything okay? No one is hurt, are they?”
“No, we’re all fine,” he says, pulling me to my feet. “I still can’t believe you’re here Olivia. Evan would want me dead right now for letting you leave the walls.”
“Well he’s not here,” I say quietly.
He kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Where’s Lars?” Sam asks, stepping behind me. “Gina is here too.”
Dane curses. “How did you make it past Aaron’s camp? Bastard only let us through after I kicked his ass in a one on one fight.”
No one answers him.
“Sam?” Dane prods.
“I’m going to tell everyone you’re here,” Sam says, leaving me standing there with Dane and the man that pinned me down, who I now knew was Jake.
“Jake go get the others,” Dane commands.
Jake leaves straight away.
“Tell me what happened with Aaron,” he demands, holding my face in his hands so I couldn’t look away. “Now, Olivia. Fuck, did he recognize Gina? Did he touch her? What happened?”