Beyond Read online

Page 7

  “Sometimes,” he replies. “A shot to the head will end them. Or cutting their head off. My men know what to do.”

  I knew that. Sam had taught me exactly how to kill a zombie, if I ever came across one. They couldn’t get over the walls, so we were safe here. Nothing could penetrate these walls. The only weak point we had was the gate we used to come and go, and that was always heavily guarded.

  “I will handle the crops, and the women in the kitchen. If anyone has an issue, tell them I will choose two days of the week and see them all then. We can sort out any minor disputes or problems anyone is having.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks. “You can take more time if you need it.”

  “I’m sure,” I tell him, picking up the bread and taking a huge bite. “I’m not helping anyone by staying in bed and feeling sorry for myself.”

  “It’s understandable,” he replies quietly.

  Dane nods, grinning. “Olivia.”

  “Yes Dane?”

  “Good to have you back sweetheart.”

  My lips lift in a smile. The first one that’s been on my face since I heard about my dad. “Good to be back.”

  A piece of my heart would always be missing.

  But I had people to lead.

  I wasn’t a princess anymore.

  I was Queen.

  Chapter Eleven

  One Month Later

  He slides into me slowly from behind, gripping my hips and thrusting rhythmically. He takes his time with me, and I don’t know which I love more; the slow love-making, or the hard, rough sex. It was just him. I love Dane, and I think he might love me back, but he hasn’t said the words which makes me question things. Increasing his thrusts, it looks like I’m getting both sides of him tonight. When he grabs both my arms and holds them behind my back, so I’m purely as his mercy, it feels so good that I want to cry. I love it when he takes control.

  “Harder Dane,” I plead.

  He bites the side of my neck. “You’ll take what you’re given Olivia.”

  I would, but still…


  “Love fucking you,” he grits out, sweat from his forehead dripping onto my back. Wasn’t the proclamation I wanted, but I’d take it.

  “Who are you Olivia?” he asks, letting go of my arms and reaching out his arm to play with my clit.

  “I’m yours,” I pant, feeling myself on the verge.

  “Yes you are,” he replies, smugness in his tone. “My Queen. And I want my queen to come in my mouth.”

  Flipping me over, he slides to his knees and goes down on me, his tongue making me orgasm in seconds.

  “Shit,” I whisper, pleasure overriding my system, filling my body. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  Before I can come back to myself, he’s sliding back inside me. Biting on my lower lip I watch him as he comes. Half-lidded hazel eyes peer down at me.

  “Hi,” I whisper, smiling, now feeling sated and sleepy.

  “Hi,” he echoes, kissing my lips and then my forehead. “You okay?”


  “You feel perfect,” he says, pushing his hips forward and then retreating.


  “Yes,” he replies, pushing my hair back from my face.

  I love you.

  Say the words Olivia.

  “I’m tired,” I blurt out.

  Dane kisses my mouth and then rolls to the side. “Okay I guess I won’t wake you up for seconds then.”

  “Romance is so dead,” I mutter, lip twitching.

  “Oh come on,” he says, bringing my body closer to his. “I sleep with you in my arms. I’ve never done that with anyone else. That’s fucking romance right there.”

  I run my fingers down his smooth chest. “How come you do it with me then?”

  He’s quiet for a few moments before he replies. “You’re just different. You’re my wife. I didn’t want one, but now that I have one, I’m going to take care of you Olivia. I’m the one you come to, to take care of all your needs and I’m not going to abuse that trust. It doesn’t matter how we came to be married, what matters is I’m yours and you’re mine. You like cuddling all night so I’m going to damn well cuddle you.”

  I smile sleepily. “I’m glad I picked you.”

  I’m almost asleep when I think I hear him say, “Me too.”

  “She slept with my husband!” the woman, Elizabeth shrieks. I had no idea what to do. I was sitting in the hall room listening to the weekly disputes, but I had no idea what to do with a cheating husband. Why did she feel the need to bring this to me? What would my dad have told them?

  I look to the woman who slept with Elizabeth’s husband, Vera. She looks smug, which annoys me. Elizabeth is obviously upset, tears streaming down her brown skinned cheeks. She was a beautiful woman, who obviously deserved better from her husband, but I didn’t think it was my place to say that. I was alone in the room with the three of them, which was a good thing. I look at her husband, who has the grace to look guilty.

  “Do you love your wife?” I ask him.

  He nods. “Very much.”

  “Then why would you hurt her like this?” I ask, curious.

  “He wanted a real woman,” Vera pipes up, pissing me off further.

  “Do you like sleeping with other women’s men Vera?” I ask her.

  She grins impishly. “They like sleeping with me.”

  “You’re a teacher, isn’t that right Vera? Teaching the children, who are the future of this community?”

  She looks down, not looking so smug anymore. “Yes. And I’m a good teacher.”

  “Since you like sleeping with men maybe you would be more suited to the…” I didn’t know what to call it. Oh hell. “Brothel?”

  Vera gasps, shaking her head. “No, you wouldn’t do that.”

  I wouldn’t but I wanted to scare her. Also there wasn’t a brothel anymore. I shut that shit down. The women all said they were there because they wanted to be but I call bullshit. If they want to entertain men on their own time then that’s their business, but I won’t be housing an establishment like that now that I’m in charge. I did tell them that they could use protection if they want. I’m not forcing anyone into having babies. I know we need to rebuild the population but the people who want children can be the ones doing that. I’d rather have a smaller population than have people having children they don’t care about. Gina was happy with that and so was I.

  “I’m not going to. This time. Next time you might not be so lucky. Derek, Elizabeth is a kind, beautiful woman. If you don’t want her, trust me another man here will. Treat her right or I’ll find her another husband.” I turn to Elizabeth. “Do you want to stay with him? If you don’t then I can organize separate housing for you.”

  “I do,” Elizabeth admits. “I love him.”

  I give Derek a look that lets him know he better be good to this woman. He swallows hard and nods. “I won’t mess up twice Olivia.”

  I nod. “Tell whoever is next to come in.”

  They leave and I exhale slowly. That was awkward. When Sam strolls in next, I can’t stop the smile on my face if I tried. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? What are you doing here?”

  “This seems to be the only way to get some of your time,” he says, smirking.

  I roll my eyes. “Well thank you anyway, I needed a break from everyone’s drama.”

  He chuckles and takes a seat, his long legs stretching out before him. “Vera? I can only imagine.”

  I walk past him and pull one of his curls. “How have you been? How’s mystery man?”

  Sam groans. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

  “I believe I do,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “This room is where I learn everyone’s secrets. Time to spill, Sam.”

  He runs his hand over his jawline, looking like he’s about to tell me every juicy detail when Dane walks in, raising an eyebrow when he sees me standing before Sam. I probably look like I’m about to interro
gate him, which I was.

  “Do I want to know why you’re alone in here with my woman?” Dane asks, stepping behind me and kissing my nape.

  “She was my friend before she was your woman. I still have rights,” Sam replies, lip twitching with amusement at Dane’s possessive side.

  Dane scoffs. “You have the right to keep your hands off her.”

  I roll my eyes. “Two of the strongest men we have in this castle--listen to the two of you.”

  “Did you just threaten Vera to send her to the brothel that doesn’t even exist anymore?”

  I turn to look at my husband. “And if I did?”

  Hazel eyes sparkle. “Kind of genius.”

  He kisses my lips and I hear the chair scrape on the floor as Sam stands. Stepping to the side of Dane, I narrow my eyes on my friend. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’ll come and see you later. I’m supposed to be training some of the teenage boys.”

  I nod. “Archery right?”

  “Yeah, let’s hope some of them are as good of a student as you were.”

  He waves and then leaves the room.

  The second the door closes, Dane kisses me, deeply this time. “I missed you.”

  “I can see that,” I say when he ends the kiss. “How’s your day been?”

  “Was checking out our weapons. We need more. Pointed spears will have to do, since there’s a lot of trees around. And more bows and arrows, since those can be made.”

  “Planning for war?” I ask with an arched brow.

  He shrugs his broad shoulders. “You know you can never be too careful. We can’t get too comfortable, thinking no trouble will ever come our way.”

  I nod my head, knowing he was right. “True.”

  I was teaching some of the younger women basic first aid, how to dress and clean wounds, and everything else I knew. Sharing knowledge was important here, in our situation. If we had only a few people with a certain skill, and something happened to them, we were screwed. Knowledge was power.

  It was survival.

  “I actually came here for a reason,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. His bicep bulges and my gaze lingers there.


  “We’re going to need to head out in a couple of days. Look for food and supplies. I’ll leave men behind to guard everyone, take about fifteen with me.”

  “You’re going?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

  “I have to, you know that. I can’t send the men out there without me,” he murmurs, running his hand up my arm. “It will be a short trip. A couple of days the most. We won’t venture out too far this time.”

  “Okay,” I tell him. “Are you taking Sam?”

  “I’ll leave him to keep an eye on you.”

  “You know damn well I can protect myself.”

  He chuckles at that. “I know but I’ll feel better with Sam around.”

  I smile at that. “Dane.”

  “Yes wife?”

  “Feel free to take Jase with you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, I walk to Sam’s room. I know he wanted to tell me something yesterday, but when Dane arrived he wasn’t able to. Lifting my hand to knock on his door, hoping he wouldn’t still be sleeping, I jump when the door opens before my knuckles even touch the door.

  “Oh my god,” I say when I come face to face with a surprised looking Lars. “But… but…”

  Lars grips my wrist and pulls a shocked me inside Sam’s room, closing the door behind me. Sam sits on his windowsill in nothing but his underwear, a surprised look on his face.

  “Oh my god,” I repeat. “I did not see this coming.”

  “Fuck,” I hear Lars grit out behind me. “Olivia--”

  “Are you telling me that,” I start, cutting Lars off, my eyes solely on Sam. “Lars is your mystery man?”

  Lars was gay? No wait, didn’t Gina elude to something about Lars being with her?

  I spin to face him. “You hurt my friend and there is no one on this earth that will save you from my wrath.”

  “Olivia--” Sam says in a soothing tone.

  Lars swears again, apparently unable to come up with anything else to say.

  Sam puts his hands on the back of my shoulders. “Calm down Olivia.”

  I point at Lars then turn around and look at Sam. “I really didn’t see this one coming.”

  Sam’s mouth twitches. “I can see that. You can’t tell anyone about this.”

  “You know I won’t,” I murmur. “Are the two of you exclusive?”

  Sam shakes his head, a sad smile playing on his lips.

  I open my mouth but he shakes his head again, warning me to drop it.

  “Fine,” I sulk. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I make him happy,” Lars says, sounding put off. “I care about him.”

  “And what about Gina?” I ask, deciding to confront him about her.

  From the look on his face I can see I’ve surprised him once more. “What did she tell you?”

  “You have something with her too, don’t you?”

  “I care about both of them,” he admits hesitantly. “I don’t need to explain my private business to you.”

  I look around Sam’s room for his bow and arrow.

  “It’s not here,” Sam says in exasperation. “And you aren’t going to shoot him. This is our business, he’s right.”

  “Fine,” I reply. I wouldn’t want anyone getting involved in Dane and my private business either. “But I’m always here for you, you know that.”

  Sam nods. “I know.”

  I look between Sam and Lars. Two, masculine, good-looking men. Maybe Gina was onto something here. If I was her…

  Giggling, I cover my mouth with my hand.

  “What?” Sam and Lars ask at the same time, looking suspicious and curious.

  “Nothing,” I reply. “Shall we go eat some breakfast?”

  “Why do you keep giving Lars weird looks?” Dane asks. “Reliving your one kiss with another man?”

  I smirk at him. “It really annoys you I kissed him doesn’t it. It’s not like I wanted to. I didn’t have a choice.”

  “I know,” he replies quietly. “Just like I didn’t have a choice when I slept with Gina.”

  “Wh- what?” I whisper, not knowing what he meant. “What do you mean Dane, you didn’t have a choice?”

  He goes quiet, a strange expression flashing on his face before it goes blank. “Nothing.”

  He can’t say something like that and then say, nothing. “Dane--”

  Someone bangs on our door, saving him from explaining. When Dane opens the door, I see four of his men standing there. “There are people at the gate.”

  “What people?” he asks.

  “Humans. Seeking entry.”

  “I will deal with it,” Dane replies, then looks to me. “Stay here.”

  Closing the door behind him, he leaves our room. Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrow my eyes on the door.

  Yeah, there was no way I was staying here, waiting for him to return with news.

  After a few minutes I leave our room and head towards the gate. I see at least fifty men surrounding it. The issue of other humans was a difficult one. We had to make sure they’re weren’t bitten, and that they had good intentions. Letting anyone in put the others in danger. Not all humans were good. So while we wanted to help everyone we could, we had to do it in the right way. Trust didn’t come easy. My dad had created this safe haven in a time when humanity had no hope. To uphold it, we had to be careful with who we let enter.

  I walk up to the group and spot Jase standing there, his arms crosses over his chest. “Who are they?”

  He looks down at me. “Group of five men. Apparently just looking for a safe place to live.”

  “What is Dane going to do?” I ask, searching for him through the crowd.

  Jase shrugs. “I don’t know. I’d quarantine them in the dungeon if it were up
to me.”

  Sounded brutal, but I would probably do the same. “If they’re going to bring them in we need to put the castle on lockdown. I want as the fewest amount of people possible to have contact with them.”

  “They will have to be stripped down to look for any signs of bite marks. It takes a week from being bitten to turn, then a few day after that until they look for food. So if we have them contained, it should be fine.”


  Jase smirks. “You’re looking sexy tonight. Regular sex must be working for you.”

  Just when I thought we were getting along.


  “You’re the one getting dick. Every night. You’re loud too, you know.”

  I sigh.

  He grins.

  “Oh come on princess, take a joke,” he says, bumping my shoulder gently. “It isn’t a crime to enjoy bed sport.”

  I gape. “Just stop talking please.”

  His body shakes with silent laughter.

  “Seriously? Now is not the time!”

  He sobers. “Everything is under control. Dane knows what he’s doing. He was Special Forces, you know? The man can deal with any damn situation. And it’s not like people haven’t come and begged entry before.”

  “I know,” I reply. “But it’s the first time Dad hasn’t been here to deal with it. He’d make me stay in my room when it happened so I don’t even know the protocol for something like this.”

  “There is no protocol,” Jase says. “Let Dane handle it the best way he sees fit. You chose him for a reason Olivia. The man knows his shit.”

  “Olivia,” I hear Dane call my name. Turning to his voice, I see him storming towards me. “What are you doing here? I told you to stay in your room.”

  I ignore Jase’s sniggering.

  “I want to be involved with what’s going to happen to these people,” I tell him, my back straight. “Are we going into lockdown?”

  Dane nods. “Yes, no one will leave their rooms until tomorrow morning. I’m going to take these men to the dungeon. Before you complain, they will be fed and looked after. They just need to be kept away from everyone else until I know their true intentions.”