Beyond Read online

Page 4

  I let out a deep breath and wait for his reply.

  He pushes off my room door and walks towards me, looking down at me. “I did have other plans for Dane, but now it’s too late. Everyone knows the two of you will be married.”

  “And soon everyone will know I’ll be saying my vows to Lars instead of him,” I say in a dry tone.

  My dad crosses his arms over his chest and studies me. “That was my idea, actually. Dane didn’t want to go but I gave him no choice. Does it really matter who says the vows to you? The outcome is the same.”

  Dane didn’t want to go? I wasn’t sure how to process this new information. In my head, Dane didn’t give two shits about me, and sure as hell didn’t want this marriage.

  “Why didn’t he want to go?” I ask, aiming for a casual tone.

  “He said it wouldn’t be a good way to start off the marriage, even if it was an arranged one. Do you see why I didn’t want him for you initially? Dane is usually single minded and driven. He’s never turned down a mission before. He was in the army you know, before.”

  It made sense that he was in the army. His skills surpass any of the other men here.

  “So you told him that he has to go?” I ask, looking down at my hands.

  “I did.”

  “How did you save him?” I ask, needing to know this answer. Dane was so loyal to my father but I had no idea why, and it seems like no one wanted to tell me.

  “That’s his story to tell,” he replies absently. “Are you already giving the man hell?”

  I tilt my head to the side. “Maybe.”

  His lip twitches.

  “I just don’t see why the wedding couldn’t be pushed back?” I grumble.

  Something flashes in his eyes. “I’m not going to be around forever Olivia. I need to secure your place in this castle and know that you have a future. I’ve raised you to run this castle. Let Dane handle anything beyond these walls. ”

  I sigh heavily. I knew the reason he protected me so much. Five years ago, when everything went to hell, we lost my mother. Lilly was a sweet, gentle and loving woman. She didn’t stand a chance. She was bitten and became one of them.

  “I’m not mum dad,” I whisper. “I’m more like you than her.”

  I was strong. I was a fighter. A survivor. Yes, I was also a little girly, but who said I couldn’t be both?

  He ignores me, like he does every time I try to bring up mother.

  “I need Dane to go Olivia. No one else will come back alive. Lars will stand in. It’s an old practice and completely legal.”

  Legal. Like that even mattered anymore. We made our own rules now. I haven’t missed the fact that Dad liked to choose which old laws to follow, and which rules he wanted to make as his own.

  “Fine,” I reply curtly. Lars was good looking. Surely I wouldn’t die having to kiss him one time.

  “Olivia,” he warns.

  I stand up and nod my head. “I understand.”

  “Good girl,” he says quietly. “I have business to attend to.”

  I nod and say bye as he leaves.

  “You’re attack is much better than your defence,” he says, knocking the stick out of my hands. “You need to work on it.”

  I nod then pick the wooden stick from the floor. “I just need a little practice, is all.”

  Amusement dances in his eyes. “Kind of confident, aren’t you? For a tiny woman that weighs what? Fifty kilos?”

  “Sixty,” I correct. I was petite, but deadly. I could use people underestimating me to my advantage.

  “How tall are you?”

  “Five feet four inches,” I reply, looking up at him. “How tall are you?”

  “Six three,” he replies, grinning wolfishly. “And all muscle.”

  I roll my eyes. “Get over yourself Dane. Now’s not the time to be vain.”

  “And when is?”

  I lick my bottom lip seductively. “Our wedding night perhaps? Oh right, you won’t be there.”

  I hit his stick with mine, putting all my strength into it.

  “Lars is saying my vows, he’s not touching you,” Dane says, knocking my stick away easily. “The wedding night is being postponed. The second I’m back in the castle, you’re all mine.”

  “He’s kissing me though,” I say, trying to get him with a swipe to his knees.

  “A chaste kiss,” Dane replies. “Your lips will barely touch.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says me.”

  “A little possessive for someone that doesn’t want me,” I say, blocking his next hit.

  “I didn’t want you but I got you anyway. And now you’re mine. I’ve told you this before.”

  We lower our sticks at the same time, the air thickening between us.

  “Dad told me you didn’t want to leave, so I shouldn’t be giving you shit.”

  “No, you shouldn’t,” he replies in a low tone.

  “Maybe you’re not as bad as I originally thought,” I admit, offering him a small smile.

  His gaze softens. “No, I’m not. I didn’t take it well, I’ll admit. But now, well, I’m getting used to the idea of having you by my side. I thought you’d be a liability, but maybe you’ll be an asset.”

  Not the word every woman wants to hear, but my heart warms all the same. I didn’t want to be decorative, I wanted to be useful. And I like that he sees that in me.

  He leans forward and takes my stick from me. I breathe in his fresh scent, mixed with a hint of sweat. He smells so good. He’s wearing a t-shirt that shows off his impressive biceps, and a pair of dark shorts sitting low on his lean hips. His hazel eyes are staring at me knowingly, his lips quirked up on the corners.

  “See something you like?”

  I sigh. “Yeah, but then you opened your mouth and ruined it.”

  Dane laughs, throwing his head back. I glance around, not wanting him to draw attention to us. It was evening and there weren’t many people around, but you never know.

  “Come on,” he says, shaking his head, his eyes still smiling. “Tomorrow we can work on archery.”

  I smile smugly. That was one thing I excelled in.

  “You did well today,” he continues as we walk to my room. “You surprised me, that’s for damn sure.”

  I beam at his compliment. “Thank you.”

  “Sam’s been teaching you?” he asks, his tone even.

  I nod. “He has. He’s been patient with me. I owe him a lot.”

  He stays quiet after that.

  We’re almost at my door when I hear a woman call his name.

  “Dane, there you are,” she says, walking quickly towards us. Dane stiffens slightly, then looks down at me with a forced smile. “Are you okay to walk the rest of the way by yourself?”

  I shake my head. “No. I’ve been told it’s dangerous.”

  I think I see his eye twitch a little.


  “Dane, I didn’t see you all day,” she says when she reaches us. She looks to me and smiles. “Hi, I’m Gina.”

  She looks a little familiar, but I can’t place her. I’ve probably just seen her around the castle.

  “Olivia,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. Was she his ex-girlfriend? Past fling? My mind was racing. What if he had a girlfriend when he was told he had to marry me? I didn’t even think of that. Fuck. I’m such a bad person. I didn’t want him to be apart from the woman he loved. I wouldn’t do that to him.

  “Of course. I know who you are,” she beams. “The princess. Everyone talk about you.”

  “Good to know,” I reply, saying each word slowly. What do people say about me? I could only imagine.

  I study her pretty face, and only then do I remember where I’ve seen her before.

  Just fucking great.

  Chapter Seven

  “You look familiar,” I say, seeing Dane wince slightly. She was the woman from the brothel, the one who opened the door. I felt shy seeing her now, since I saw her practically n

  “Oh, do I?” she says. “I don’t think I’ve ever formally met you.”

  “How do you two know each other?” I ask, turning from her to Dane.

  Gina flashes Dane a coy look. “We go way back. We came here together about three years ago.”

  “I see,” I murmur, my chest tightening. “I’m going to go to bed. Nice meeting you Gina.”

  She smiles. “Pleasure was all mine Olivia.”

  Great, she was nice too.

  Dane grips my upper arm. “Gina give me a second.”

  He leads me further down the hall, until we reach my room door. “It’s not what you think.”

  I pull out my key and open the door. “It usually never is.”


  “I’m sorry I messed up your life Dane,” I say sadly, stepping into my room and trying to close the door, but he puts his hand in to block it.

  “No, you don’t get to make assumptions and then slam the door in my face,” he growls, pushing himself into the room and closing the door behind him.

  “Gina is just a friend, all right?”

  “So you’re saying you’ve never slept with her?” I ask, getting my answer when he looks away.

  “About three years ago,” he replies. “Before we came here.”

  I look down. “I see.”

  “Friends ever since. And you don’t get to be mad. You only get to be mad for anything I do from now on, not before.”

  I hated that that was fair.

  He steps closer to me and lifts my chin with his index finger. “Okay?”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  I hold my breath as he lowers his head and grazes his lips with mine, barely a touch. “And that’s how Lars is going to be instructed to kiss you.”

  I push his hand away and stare daggers at him. “You’re such a jerk.”

  His boyish grin makes my chest flutter. “A jerk that one day you’re going to love.”

  “A cocky jerk.”

  “Your jerk,” he calls out before he leaves my room, closing the door behind him.

  “So his ex is one of the women from the brothel?” Sam asks, eyebrows hitting his hairline.

  “Looks like it,” I grumble.

  “I’ve always wondered what goes on in there,” he says. “I mean sex obviously, but public sex? Group sex? Who knows?”

  “Why don’t you find out?” I tease, nudging his shoulder.

  “You know why,” he replies, laughing.

  No one knew, but Sam was gay. Well no one except the man he was secretly sleeping with.

  “I wonder if Dane goes in there.”

  Sam clucks his tongue. “You can’t hold it against him really, can you? He was single.”

  “What is this? Dicks before chicks,” I mumble, my shoulders drooping.

  Sam laughs and wraps an arm around me. “I’m on your side, always Olivia.”

  “Good to know,” I reply, laying my head on his shoulder. “I’m so glad I have you here Sam.”

  A throat is cleared and I look up into Dane’s angry eyes. He was bare chested, and my gaze immediately zooms in on this smooth, tanned chest.

  “Wow,” I mutter.

  Some of the heat leaves him. “Sam get your hands off her unless you want a round with me.”

  Sam slowly slides away.

  Sweaty, Dane leans over me and stares right into my eyes. “Don’t touch another man Olivia.”

  “You’ve been training without me?” I ask, my voice coming out all breathy.

  “Went for a run,” he says, scanning my face.

  He licks his lips.

  I stare at his mouth.

  “Kiss me.” A soft demand.

  I kiss him. No tongue, just a sweet, sensual kiss. He pulls back, making a deep sound in his throat that makes me want to jump him.

  “You’re not a traditional woman, are you?” he asks.

  “No. Why?” I reply, feeling dazed both from his kiss and from being in such a close proximity to him.

  “Good. I want you in my bed. Tonight.”

  With that, he walks off, leaving me staring after him.

  I turn to Sam, to see him adjusting himself. “Fuck, that was hot.”


  “What?” he says, shrugging. “You better fuck him tonight or I will.”

  We both burst into laughter.

  That night, I was a wreck.

  I was nervous, I was excited. I was impatient.

  Was it going to hurt? Moments like this, I wish my mother was alive. I couldn’t imagine having these talks with my dad. I didn’t have a large choice of options in regards of what to wear. I had a black lace bra set, but I hadn’t worn it since the day we found the castle. I’d been wearing it the day Mother died. Fingering the lace material, I decide to put it on. It was the nicest set I owned. We had a wonderful seamstress here, but material wasn’t always easy to come by. Looking in the mirror, I let my robe drop to the floor and slide the lace up my thighs. Then I place the bra on. It’s a little snug, but makes my breasts look good. I’d taken a long bath, taking extra time to make myself look good. Now, I was just waiting for Dane.

  Hours later, when he still hasn’t arrived, I go to sleep.

  I wake up in the worst mood. Was this what sexual frustration felt like? I didn’t like it. Storming to the kitchens for breakfast, I ignore everyone I come into contact with. I see Sam sitting at a table with Jase, so I grab my food and join them.

  “Morning,” I mumble, taking a bite out of the fresh bread roll.

  Sam looks to Jase, then me. I know he wants to ask me what happened, but can’t in front of Jase.

  “Morning,” he replies. “Sleep well?”

  I rip another chunk of bread and shove it into my mouth. “Wonderfully.”

  Jase smirks. “What’s with you princess? I think you need a good hard f—”

  “Shut your mouth Jase,” Dane snaps. “That’s my future wife you’re talking to.”

  Shockingly, Jase shuts up. I refrain the urge to flash him a smug smile.

  Dane looks a little worse for wear, I notice, his hair messy and his eyes looking tired.

  “Can I speak to you?” he asks quietly.

  “I’m busy eating,” I reply, just as quiet.



  “Fine,” he growls, dropping into the seat next to me.

  No one speaks, and it’s awkward as hell.

  When Gina joins the table, I’m considering dining with the zombies instead.

  “Gina,” Jase purrs, checking her out.

  I watch Dane to see if it annoys him that Jase is flirting with his ex but his gaze is solely on me.

  “Jase,” she replies, winking at him before turning to Dane. “Thanks for your help last night Dane.”

  I still, the bread in my hand dropping to my plate.

  I was no longer hungry.

  No, I was just pissed.

  He left me waiting there, waiting to give him my virginity while he was out helping her? Helping her with what? Maybe he was helping her with her sexual frustration. Oh no, wait, she works in a brothel.

  After that uncharitable thought, I stand up, and everyone looks at me. “I’m no longer hungry. Sam I’ll see you later,” I say before storming off. Maybe I’ll go punch something.

  “Olivia,” I hear Dane call out behind me, but I ignore him. Hearing the steps behind me, I know that he’s following me, like a lion stalking its prey.

  “Will you wait,” I hear him say, sounding disgruntled. I quicken my pace, turning left on the hallway that leads to my room.

  “Olivia,” he grits out, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me into a corner. He pins me against the wall, his body pressed against mine. “I wanted to come last night, more than anything but I couldn’t. I’m sorry, all right?”

  I had wanted to come too.

  “Do we have to talk about this right now? I’m feeling surprisingly bitchy,” I say, smiling coldly.

bsp; “Olivia—”

  “It’s a big thing for me, losing my virginity,” I continue. “I was nervous, you know? Excited too.”

  His eyes soften. “Fuck I’m sorry baby.”


  “And now I’m sexually frustrated,” I say as if he never spoke. “Which is apparently something I’m not handling very well.”

  His voice lowers and his eyes darken. “Come with me, to my bedroom, and I will take care of that.”

  I wave my arm. “No thanks. That option is no longer on the table.”

  “The hell it isn’t,” he growls, gripping my elbow and pulling me closer to him. “I’ll have you, and when I do you’re going to love every second of it. I’ll make it up to you. With my tongue, my fingers…”

  I hate that he’s turning me on with his words. “We’ll see.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I wanted to be with you. Inside you. So fuckin’ badly. But I don’t always get what I want.”

  “What does that even mean?” I ask, exasperated.

  “It means that I have a lot of responsibilities and sometimes I’m needed elsewhere, even though I don’t want to be there. Last night was one of those times. I couldn’t make it to where I really wanted to be.”

  I look into his eyes. He looks sincere enough, but how much do I really know this man? I decide honesty is the best option, considering we’re going to be married and all.

  “Because you were busy with your ex-girlfriend? If it’s okay for us to be sleeping with other people before this wedding, please let me know.”

  I sound like a jealous girlfriend, and I know it. I only hope he doesn’t call me out on it.

  His fingers tighten. “She’s not my ex and fuck no you aren’t sleeping with anyone except me. Don’t push me Olivia.”

  I flash back to the conversation we had about Gina. Dane had said he slept with her, and I’d assumed that she was his ex because of it. Maybe they were just fuck buddies?

  “What was so important that it overruled sleeping with me?” I ask, turning around and facing him. I stare him right in the eye, my spine straight.

  “Gina has… issues, okay? She had a problem last night and wanted me to stay and talk with her.”